Connecting AI Innovators with Industry Challenges


In the Matchmaking Track, we create a space for companies offering AI solutions and those with specific issues that could potentially be solved with AI. This track facilitates valuable connections, fostering collaboration and innovation.

Below, you will find a list of companies that will be pitching their core strengths and expertise. If you have a specific question or challenge, you can submit it below. We will do our best to make matches before the event, ensuring productive and targeted interactions.

Join us to discover how AI can address your unique challenges and to connect with leading innovators in the field.


We will continue to add new companies offering AI solutions. If you might be one of them contact us


11:30  Round One - pitches by AI Innovators and Industry challenges
13:00  Lunch
14:15  Round Two - pitches by AI Innovators and Industry challenges
16:15  Central closing | with mayor Jeroen Dijsselbloem
16:30  Expo, networking & drinks
18:00  End Time


Adam Broniewski

Principal Consultant Moving Data Insights

Transform Data Into Strategic Decisions

Moving Data Insights specializes in transforming spatiotemporal and mobility data into actionable insights. With a dedication to enabling informed decisions, we leverage deep-rooted expertise to bring clarity to the dynamic fields of data analytics and mobility. 

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Evelien Nieuwenburg

Co-Founder, Innovation Scientist & Community Organizer Dembrane

People Know How

Pinning down what's at stake for your stakeholders needn't be a headache. We will help you get to the bottom of what your stakeholders really care about. Not with surveys or questionnaires, but through combining real conversations with our smart participation portal. Make the chaos of crowd conversation concrete and lead large groups with confidence.

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Muhammed Rafiq

Auto Landing AI

Your personal agent to find affordable and talented freelancers

As a freelancing platform startup, we invite companies for a podcast, ask them to self promote, reviewwork of our freelancers in real time and finally hire a freelancer based on the work(optional!). All in onesingle podcast-like event.

View company profile on LinkedIn 

Willem van Jaarsveld

TwinOpt - TU/e

TwinOpt helps companies transform their supply chain using AI.


TwinOpt helps companies transform their supply chain using AI. We have helped companies control thousands of SKUs, e.g. spare parts, over many inventory locations in real time, taking into account customer expectations and supply chain bottlenecks. We have delivered solutions to industry leaders that have been in continuous use for years, and are ready to help your company set the next step.


View profile on TU/e website


Joost van der Putten

Theta Falcon

Real-time computer vision across industries

This pitch examines flexible hardware solutions for real-time computer vision, focusing on systems that handle multiple inputs and run advanced models concurrently. We'll discuss how adaptable hardware can be applied across various fields, from healthcare research to industrial automation.

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Judith van Stegeren


We solve Generative AI production challenges

Datakami is a Dutch software engineering consultancy specialized in generative AI. Our senior ML engineers offer remote expertise to technology companies across the US and Europe. From model optimization to infrastructure scaling, we ensure your AI applications run efficiently, securely, and at peak performance in production environments.

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Adam Broniewski

Principal Consultant Moving Data Insights

Transform Data Into Strategic Decisions

Moving Data Insights specializes in transforming spatiotemporal and mobility data into actionable insights. With a dedication to enabling informed decisions, we leverage deep-rooted expertise to bring clarity to the dynamic fields of data analytics and mobility. 

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Evelien Nieuwenburg

Co-Founder, Innovation Scientist & Community Organizer Dembrane

People Know How

Small independent research unit to aid organizations in determining (innovation) strategies; bringing current academic knowledge on transitions into the industry to develop future resilient approaches and create long-term sustainable opportunities.

View website


Muhammed Rafiq

Auto Landing AI

Your personal agent to find affordable and talented freelancers

As a freelancing platform startup, we invite companies for a podcast, ask them to self promote, reviewwork of our freelancers in real time and finally hire a freelancer based on the work(optional!). All in onesingle podcast-like event.

View company profile on LinkedIn 


Willem van Jaarsveld

TwinOpt - TU/e

TwinOpt helps companies transform their supply chain using AI.


TwinOpt helps companies transform their supply chain using AI. We have helped companies control thousands of SKUs, e.g. spare parts, over many inventory locations in real time, taking into account customer expectations and supply chain bottlenecks. We have delivered solutions to industry leaders that have been in continuous use for years, and are ready to help your company set the next step.


View profile on TU/e website


Joost van der Putten

Theta Falcon

Real-time computer vision across industries

This pitch examines flexible hardware solutions for real-time computer vision, focusing on systems that handle multiple inputs and run advanced models concurrently. We'll discuss how adaptable hardware can be applied across various fields, from healthcare research to industrial automation.

View profile on LinkedIn


Judith van Stegeren


We solve Generative AI production challenges

Datakami is a Dutch software engineering consultancy specialized in generative AI. Our senior ML engineers offer remote expertise to technology companies across the US and Europe. From model optimization to infrastructure scaling, we ensure your AI applications run efficiently, securely, and at peak performance in production environments.

View profile on LinkedIn

Question Form

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Walk in with tea/coffee
Welcome | Carlo van de Weijer
Opening with delegate
Martijn van Gruijthuijsen
Keynote | Nathan van de Wouw
Coffee break
Morning Track





Lunch break & Expo
Afternoon Track
Central closing with mayor
Jeroen Dijsselbloem
Expo, networking & drinks
End Time
