
EAISI Academy

Professional Education

Embark on a journey of continuous learning and professional growth with our cutting-edge programs in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence. In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying ahead does not only require knowledge but also practical skills that empower you to navigate the complexities of data-driven decision-making.

Visit us on the expo of the AI Summit Brainport and start expanding your knowledge and proficiency in Data Science and AI!

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Artificial Intelligence Motor Imagery: Unlocking the Power of the Mind with AI


In the AIMI project we use EEG signals from the brain to classify right and left hand movement. We accomplish this by recording the electric potential emitted by the brain, with an EEG headset, when the subject imagines a movement of the right or left arm. This is then filtered and given as input to a conformer model (a combination between a Convolutional Neural Network and a Transformer based model). This model is trained on our own data and can classify the imagined movements accurately.

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Digital Humans


Meaningful Interactions with Virtual Humans (NL)

Virtual teachers and digital social workers. Are these desirable applications? Experience it and judge for yourself during your introduction to Virtual Humans.

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AI Innovation Center

We orchestrate and grow the regional AI ecosystem

The AI Innovation Center supports an ecosystem of AI companies and helps foster connections through offices and coworking spaces, collaborations, and a packed events calendar. Our center gives direct access to knowledge, capabilities, and potential launching customers.


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AWS (Amazon Web Services)

Explore the possiblities of AWS

AWS will spotlight the power and versatility of its AI and cloud-based tools through live demonstrations. Suchs as a demo of PCB inspection with AI, A demo of a chatbot for engineering documentation of A demo of quality control in manufacturing. Whether you’re in manufacturing, engineering, or quality control, AWS solutions can help you unlock the full potential of AI to solve real-world challenges. 

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Centre of Expertise AI for Society


Fontys stands for trustworthy, human-centric and sustainable AI. We approach AI integrally, from and with technical, ethical, legal and social expertise. We focus on the development of AI for social transitions in education, health & wellbeing, and the sustainable living environment. With research and education we make an impact, regionally and nationally. We learn by experimenting, and by working together openly and transparently.